Tag Archives: franchise marketing tools

Franchise Marketing Essentials You Need to Know

Marketing programs are an important part of franchising. Collecting funds from the different franchisees in a system can lead to greater marketing power. On the other hand, this type of policy can cause tension if some people feel that the money is not being spent the way it should be. That is why you need to make sure that your company’s marketing system is rock solid. Here are some key qualities of a great franchise marketing program: Continue reading

3 Must Know Success Factors When Marketing a Franchise by Michelle Hummel

Regardless of their specific industry, most businesses have come to the realization that they need to utilize social media. While that rule of thumb holds true for franchises, it’s important to note that they do present some unique challenges. Although it’s important to be aware of the considerations that apply directly to franchisee social media usage, the good news is once you know about those specific issues, you can adapt and ensure you’re making the most of your marketing strategy. Continue reading


5 Steps for SEO Success for Franchises by Michelle Hummel

SEO stands for search engine optimization. At its core, this practice is simply a way to ensure that a business website shows up in the top group of results when someone searches for a relevant keyword phrase. Because Google is always evolving, the best practices for SEO in 2018 look quite different than even a few years ago.

To help ensure that you’re on the right track with SEO, we want to cover the 5 steps for franchise SEO success during the upcoming year:

5 Steps for SEO Success

1. Start with Key Pages

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The 4 Essential Elements of a Franchise Marketing Plan by Michelle Hummel

Most franchisees are already aware that they need a strong marketing message. However, there’s often a significant disconnect between crafting the right message and having an audience to deliver it to. The reality of the franchise industry is very few sales happen by accident. Instead, the types of franchisors that are able to consistently sell new franchises do so by having a clear marketing plan that’s carefully crafted to attract a specific type of prospect. Continue reading

10 Features Franchise Businesses Should Look For When Evaluating Social Media Management Tools

Michelle Hummel Franchise Marketing ExpertIt’s amazing how many organizations and businesses still don’t use a Social Media Management Dashboard. When I say that it’s amazing, I really mean that. Any franchisor that does not already understand that social media is the key to their future success has essentially hung out the “closed for business” sign and is waiting for someone to tell them. With the myriad of networks out there that need to be worked and monitored, there are only two viable options: have a large staff devoted to social media or get the software to take care of your social media tracking. Continue reading